Sunday, May 31, 2020

Free Haifa Seminar for People Wanting To Transition Into High Tech Careers on March 2nd 2010

Free Haifa Seminar for People Wanting To Transition Into High Tech Careers on March 2nd 2010 4 Microsoft Israel is sponsoring a free employment seminar with the Haifa Municipality aimed at people who would like to get into high tech in Israel. Who The event is aimed “academics, engineers and students” who are interested in joining the “computers and high tech” industry. What According to the official announcement, the event's schedule runs from 4:30 pm until 8:15 pm, including speakers from Microsoft Israel (What Will the World Look Like in 15 years?), AllJobs (Transitioning into the World of High Tech), and others. Possibly the most interesting part will be the final panel involving the speakers discussing job search topics.eval Then there will also be a prize drawing of an XBOX 360 at the end of the evening. Where Microsoft Israel Building 21, Haifa MATAM Industrial Park Map Train: Hof Ha-Carmel, then a 5-10 minute walkeval Entry is free. The official announcement asks you to register in advance but if for some reason you just decide to come at the last in minute, I'm sure they'll let you in (if there's room; you never know with these things…). If you do register in advance, just be careful to UNCHECK the box beneath the registration form so that you don't inadvertently sign up to get spam from Microsoft and other companies involved in the event. Unless of course you like spam ?? When Tuesday, March 2nd 2010, 4:30 pm â€" 8:15 pm Why This will be a well-coordinated event put together by a bunch of organizations with complementary offerings to sell you. That said, it is a free event and it does sound like you will learn some things about the Israeli high tech job market, regardless of whether or not you'd like to sign up for a programming course or work in the Haifa MATAM industrial park. Plus, these kinds of events can be a great place to network with other job seekers, and frankly, they're also a good chance to do something different than job search online all day.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Empasize Writing Skills For Your Resume

How to Empasize Writing Skills For Your ResumeHave you thought about how to emphasize writing skills for your resume? If you are new to the job market, you might have had a hard time emulating the skills of other applicants. You might even be afraid that you might have some skills that disqualify you from getting hired at your current job. The problem is that your resume isn't the place to prove to an employer that you are overqualified.When you are looking for ways to learn how to emphasize writing skills for your resume, the first thing that you should do is get a tutor or go online and find out about different training programs that can help you. You don't want to hire a personal trainer to show you how to improve your resume skills when there are already hundreds of employers out there who are looking for qualified employees. These are people who will be reading your resume and using it to decide whether or not they will hire you.The only way to become overqualified on your resum e is to follow the tips above to the letter. Once you do that, it's going to be very difficult for you to create a resume that contains mistakes and misspellings. If you think that the only way to learn how to emphasize writing skills for your resume is to hire a professional, this couldn't be further from the truth.You can gain the right information by doing what you have always done - by reading. The best way to know what to include on your resume is to read it over again. There will be some key points that you want to include but it's your job to pick and choose the information that you want to include.If you can list these key points on your CV, it won't take long before employers recognize that you have the ability to write a great resume. People are searching for people who are qualified to apply for jobs. They are looking for someone who is going to work for them instead of against them.By following the tips outlined above, you can make sure that you improve your chances of g etting hired in the long run. If you are someone who has the desire to make the biggest impact in your current job situation, there is no better way to get started than to begin to learn how to emphasize writing skills for your resume.It's a simple idea really - write well. That's the key to being successful at anything. If you are confident in your abilities, and if you take action by knowing how to emphasize writing skills for your resume, your future will be filled with plenty of opportunities for growth opportunities.Even if you already have an existing resume, it's time to start learning how to emphasize writing skills for your resume. When you do that, you'll be working towards creating a resume that lists all of the necessary information that you want to include in your cover letter. It will be proof of your expertise and your experience in the field of employment.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Five Ways to Help Your Clients in the Lead up to Brexit

Five Ways to Help Your Clients in the Lead up to Brexit With Brexit’s March 29 deadline quickly approaching, and no sign of a clear solution from the government, the recruitment market continues to be incredibly volatile. As employment experts, recruiters have unique insight into the market and are therefore well placed to inform their clients of movements and any hiring trends that arise during this period. Remaining educated and taking the time to understand the developments arising from Brexit will not only be good for your clients’ business but good for yours. One key message is the continual lack of eligible candidates. It continues to have a huge influence on recruitment processes and is having a flow-on effect for clients. How are you countering this to help your clients? 1. Think outside the box If a client is struggling to fill a role based on the supplied brief, consider advising them to expand their search, or alter their requirements. Often, there are candidates who don’t fit the brief to a T, but you know they will have the transferable skills, or personality fit, to thrive within a role. Make it clear as to why you’ve chosen your candidates, focusing on why you think they’d be a good match. What may appear like a left-of-center CV could end up being the perfect fit! Should there be some room for movement on necessary skills or salary, suggest splitting requirements into ‘essential’ and ‘desired’ to open up the candidate pool. 2. Embrace inclusivity 2019 is set to be the year of diversity, with more and more employers realizing the importance of hiring people from a variety of backgrounds â€" after all, the McGregor-Smith Review found that increasing workplace diversity could contribute £24 billion  to the UK economy. At the briefing stage, raise the subject with your contact to understand their diversity targets, if any. By presenting a candidate shortlist of varying sexes, races and gender, abilities and ages, you may well demonstrate a deeper understanding of your client compared to your competitors. It’s important to remember that the most successful companies look for employees that add to their culture, instead of those that fit into the existing model, so introducing people who can add something new is never a bad thing. 3. Invest in employer branding One of the first things any savvy candidate will do when applying for a role is to research the company. Therefore, it’s worth advising your clients on the importance of employer branding, investing in enticing career pages and ensuring consistency across brand messaging and visuals. It’s also worth advising on the connection between marketing and HR â€" if the hiring manager is communicating the same messages as the career website, then the candidate is likely to feel confident in the offering. However, if the website says ‘family-friendly office’ but the hiring manager says ‘overtime is common, we’re a work-hard-play-hard environment’, they may question the integrity of the business. 4. Free up the calendar Outstanding candidates are proving increasingly difficult to secure, and the longer this Brexit dilemma goes on, the harder it’s going to be. Therefore, when a great candidate comes back onto the market, or you find someone you haven’t worked with before, you don’t want to lose them because of scheduling issues! That’s why it’s so important to set expectations early, establishing how available the hiring manager is going to be for the interview, how many rounds there are, the scope of the interview process, the required compliance and how quickly they want to recruit. This allows you to manage expectations on both sides of the recruitment process, ensuring candidates don’t drop out thanks to another offer and clients realize the urgency. 5. Advocate for the jumpy CV There was a time that any stint less than two years in a business was viewed as a slight, a negative to be explained. This is no longer the case for many candidates, especially in the millennial and Gen Z brackets, who are treating each working opportunity like a stepping stone that will get them to their next role. In fact, our 2019 Salary Review found that 62% of those surveyed were in their roles for less than two years, and 50% were planning on leaving within the next 12 months. This means, when coming onto the market, these candidates may have worked for a large range of companies, or not possess that longevity of old. It’s up to recruiters to educate their clients on the positives of this, communicating the candidate’s motivations and what successes they’ve had in each role.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Divorce and the Unproductive Employee

Divorce and the Unproductive Employee It’s a fact that employees are not the only ones who suffer through a divorce businesses also bear the cost of an employee’s divorce through reduced productivity and employee absence. Divorce costs the British economy billions of pounds each year, so there is a clear correlation between employee wellbeing, business productivity and loss of valued staff. Small and medium-sized businesses are most likely to be affected, especially as the cost of replacing a member of staff or getting sufficient cover for them can be debilitating.   What are the impacts of divorce on business productivity? The estimated minimum amount of time it takes to get divorced is 4-6 months. During this time, your business is suffering as much as your divorcing employee: Absenteeism:  One obvious side effect of divorce on an employer is the work time a worker will need to miss to meet with their legal representatives, and possibly attend court hearings. The more contentious the divorce, the more time off work required. Non-Productivity:  Going through a difficult divorce is one of the most stressful things that a person can go through. This will naturally mean that the employee is less likely to be productive at work. They may lack focus, using working hours to deal with the issues, distracting colleagues to discuss what they are going through, and leaving work early due to childcare issues. Increased Sick Leave: People going through a divorce or separation often experience symptoms of depression, including headaches, fatigue and insomnia, leading to increased level of sick leave being requested. Increased Mistakes:  The stress and possible depression that an employee goes through reduces the ability to function, impairs judgment and overall job performance it can lead to injuries, mistakes, and accidents. Resigning:  Employees leave jobs as a result of divorce or separation. Not only is there a risk of losing a valued member of staff but the addition cost of hiring a new team member can be very burdensome. For a small business, losing just one member of staff, even for a short amount of time, can have a huge impact on productivity, and on the other people who work there.” How you can support divorcing employees It is a fact that divorce affects productivity and effectiveness, so it is an issue businesses really cannot afford to ignore. There are several things HR departments can do to minimise individual distress and workplace disruption. Here are some tips on how you achieve this: Have a divorce policy:  Have a policy regarding absence for issues such as lawyer appointments or court appearances. Make sure your staff are aware of the policy and who they should approach to discuss particular difficulties. Provide training:  Provide adequate training to managers/team leaders and supervisors so that they can deal with divorcing employees appropriately. Be approachable:  An open-door policy where employees feel that they can tell you their situation. There should be ongoing dialogue so that the divorcing person’s changing needs can be accommodated. Show compassion:  Show compassion but don’t be patronising. Listen to the employee, offer appropriate help and ask about their feelings and whether there is anything you can do for them. Provide confidentiality:  Remember information about an employee’s divorce is private under data protection legislation. Discuss with the employee the level of information that other members of staff should be aware of. Offer practical support:  Outline practical steps that people need to go through to minimise stress. Signpost expert help available. Discuss how they can manage their work tasks and working hours. Your employee will also need certain financial information i.e. pension valuations and tax information, so let them know how this can be accessed. Something as simple as allowing frequent breaks can go a long way. Do not offer advice that you are not qualified give. It is not always easy for employees to work out who to speak to, so having contact details to hand will often help. Look for practitioners with relevant experience. Collaborative law and mediation are two methods by which couples can resolve their differences in a constructive, amicable and child-focused way. Be flexible:  Working hours may need to be changed to accommodate new childcare responsibilities. Divorce should be treated similarly to bereavement as it brings the same sense of loss and, as such, it should be approached with similar compassion. Educating other staff:  When faced with a colleague’s divorce, many people can make flippant remarks and offer unhelpful advice. Remarks such as, ‘You’re better off without him’, ‘You’ll find someone else’ or ‘I know just how you feel’ are not helpful. Using appropriate language to deal with personal issues is something that can be discussed, and this can give employees an opportunity to clarify their own feelings around personal issues before they are faced with a distraught colleague. There may also be office gossip which needs to be addressed. Be mindful of bullying:  Absence due to divorce can place burdens on co-workers and line managers alike who may pressurise (inadvertently or otherwise) or bully a divorcing employee into returning to work or performing their duties to the same level as they did previously. Make a plan:  What tasks need to be completed and what deadlines need to be met. Is your employee in a position to complete them in time/what back up do you have if they can not? Have a short-term and long-term plan. Some employees’ divorces may drag on for years, so you need to be put in appropriate ongoing support to allow for this. About the author: Carol Sullivan is the founder of Divorce Negotiator and specialises in providing pragmatic advice to keep proceedings amicable for divorcing couples.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fed Up With Your Job Start Your Own Business

Fed Up With Your Job Start Your Own Business It is National Womens Small Business Month. This month, we celebrate the women who take that brave entrepreneurial step towards building the businesses of their dreams. Starting a business can be a big challenge. As a woman, it may be even more difficult because you may have to face additional barriers. According to an article by  Katie Vlietstra, the vice president for government relations and public affairs for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, came out with a report that stated “women-owned businesses are a $3 trillion economic force and support 23 million jobs, but still face significant barriers compared to their male-owned counterparts when it comes to obtaining loans and growing their businesses.” Despite these barriers, 29 percent of entrepreneurs are women. For the last 20 years, they have been starting more businesses then men. Now, with the power of telecommunications and outsourcing companies, a small business can do almost the same number of things as a big business. There has never been a better time to start a business on a smaller budget. If your company needed an excellent drop shipper to fulfill international orders for merchandise, it could use Amazon has warehouses all over the world and their fulfillment services are among the best. If your company needed end-to-end service management, it could utilize an offering like  Astea field service management  software  to handle specific business operations.  For instance, it could use this kind of outsourcing for tasks like mobile-workforce management, which would be either too expensive or time-consuming to do on your own. Also, if your company needed to use highly specialized software that it could not afford to buy, it could use the power of a cloud-based software program through a Service as a Solution (SaaS). There are many ways to start a business; and while it is a huge challenge, we also have access to more tools now more than ever. Shattering the Glass Ceiling There is a quiet revolution afoot, but it’s not the same one that began in the 1970s. At that time, women fought against their traditional roles as wives and mothers and entered the workforce in large numbers. Now, the revolution is no longer about breaking away from a role as a homemaker, instead it’s about opting out of corporate jobs. There are numerous reasons for this movement away from corporate jobs. Here are a few of the most common: It takes women many more years to climb up the corporate ladder than men. An unacknowledged gender bias, referred to as the glass ceiling, often keeps many from getting the promotion they deserve. Women may not get the same pay as a man for the same work. However, due to many corporate policies, employees are prohibited from salary comparison. In some companies, they can even be fired for talking about how much they earn. Dealing with corporate politics can be exhausting. There are numerous rules and regulations to follow, many of them grandfathered from an early era in the company’s history where they actually made sense. Working days are often long, and there may also be long commutes. In the final analysis, corporate jobs rarely create a sense of overall fulfillment because they require conformity over creativity. By comparison, starting their own business offers women a larger number of rewards: The nature of the work aligns with personal values. Running their own business gives them the freedom to manifest creative ideas. The flexibility of owning a business allows for more work-life balance. They can use their business acumen while still maintaining family ties. There is no cap on how much they can earn from their hard work and initiative. 7 Ways to Start a Business: There are innumerable types of businesses a woman can start. Here are a few ideas. Start a small business based on doing what you love. A niche business can be highly profitable. For example, becoming chocolatier or starting a graphics design business. Turn a good product into an even better one. Not all new products have to be built from scratch. They can be a spinoff from something people already use. Use an established idea. There are many old business ideas that are familiar to almost everyone and that bring in good money. For example, open a sandwich restaurant or a laundry mat. Monetize a hobby. Many women love writing, painting, or doing craftwork. These skills can easily be turned into careers. Teach something. Expertise in any area can be turned into a form of tutoring or coaching. Someone good in mathematics can create an income as an after-school tutor. Someone experienced in management techniques can become a consultant for people starting their own micro business. Buy a business. It is not necessary to build a business. It’s possible to just find a business that you would have liked to have built. This offers the added advantage of having fully tested out and worked out the kinks in your business idea. You can also reshape the business according to your own vision. Buy a franchise. A franchise has all the advantages of offering you a system to follow. The disadvantage, of course, is that there is little room for innovation.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

8 HR Hacks You Can Follow to Improve Employee Productivity

8 HR Hacks You Can Follow to Improve Employee Productivityâ€" “Productivity is never an accident; it is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and an applied effort.”Let’s talk about domino effect and how a typical domino can knock over another domino bigger in size. However, the result relies on all the dominoes falling in just the right way. If one of them slips or is poorly situated, the whole process can come to an abrupt stop. Employee productivity can take a similar hit when employees are overwhelmed by their workload and feel their needs are not being met.evalHR needs the utmost care and attention!It lies in the hands of HR leadership to prevent the worst-case scenario and motivate the people to produce their best work in every task and project assigned to them. We are all familiar with Spiderman’s catchphrase: “With great power comes great responsibility.” However, this would mean nothing if a man does exactly what a spider can and does not rise above it.A Company can experience almost a 12% i ncrease in productivity with happy and satisfied employees, as per a study published in the Journal of Labour Economics.And Hence HR leaders can play an essential role in ensuring the following methods:1) Encourage IntrapreneurshipevalA person can be as creative as a bird exploring the sky. You tether the wings; the birds lose the zeal to fly and reach greater heights. An employee must not be restricted to perform the assigned duties only but should be encouraged to go beyond the job description.The employee should be motivated to take ownership of individual projects/tasks outside his domain knowledge as a part of inter-disciplinary learning/cross-industry exposure, which helps the employee gain more experience and skills to improve his/her skill set. This will eventually help the organization in having a more efficient task force who can do multiple hats for them for any situation needed.2) Follow Strict and Efficient Meeting TimingsMrs. X planned a family dinner at 8 PM after suc h a long time to spend some quality time with family, but the boss asked to extend the meeting by 15 mins. Next thing we know, she is stuck in a traffic jam which she could have avoided and reached for dinner on time. Nonetheless, the meal has been ruined and so is her motivation to go to the office the next day.evalMeetings should be efficient with a clearly defined agenda with timelines, and everyone should respect it; even if you are a CEO! It gives a sense of efficient time management to every employee through which they can ultimately follow the same principle to improve their productivity at work.3) Do Not Discourage Raising a HandAn employee should feel valued in the company, and one must feel that the leaders in the company consider the inputs provided by him/her. Conduct periodic all-hands session, townhall activities or knowledge exchange session which involves the employees to share their thoughts, contributions, and experiences.Brainstorming sessions help the employees t o display their views and ideas; such a platform helps to break the ice barrier between leadership and employees and creates a free flow of ideas and thoughts. Sometimes, an ordinary mind can generate an extraordinary idea.4) Recognize the Valuable and Hardworking EmployeesPeople go the extra mile for recognition, praise, and rewards. There’s not a single person who doesn’t appreciate an award for outstanding work.evalAn employee who went the extra mile should be rewarded and recognized. This boosts the morale of the employee to continue working the same way and provides motivation to other employees to achieve similar things for similar recognition and rewards. Healthy competition always makes one strive to be better.eval5) Share Company Goals and NewsLeadership should communicate with all the employees about the happenings in the company, achievements by the company, goals, and targets for the next quarter/year, etc.This gives a sense of purpose to the employees and makes them feel an essential part of the organization.Leadership should discuss how an employee’s contribution is helping the company achieve its goals and targets.6) Encourage Team BondingLeadership should encourage connections at workplaces and inter-disciplinary/cross-team bonding. Conduct regular team outings, team-building activities, social gatherings, which helps the employees to connect at a personal level as well.Employees who establish a sense of camaraderie with their co-workers are 2.5 times more likely to be happy on the job than those who do not. As they say “Unity is strength” and a more solid team will produce much better results.7) Respect the Work-Life BalanceLeadership should respect the personal space of an employee and not bombard with the work duties outside work hours or work premises.An employee who spent a quality evening with the family the other night would be happier and more charged up to work the next day as compared to the employee who was asked to complet e a presentation at home.Work-life balance is not a myth and should be respected even in these times of market competitiveness.8) Be a LeaderevalLeadership should be someone to look up to in a company. And hence the difference should be made right at the top level of management.A leader should walk the talk and be a role model for the rest of the employees to follow. An employee should have trust and confidence in the leadership. No one likes to work for someone who steals credit for work, delegates everything and blames it on the employee every time.The first step in achieving the employee’s productivity is knowing what to do. The next step is to repeat those steps. Increasing employee productivity seems like a big feat, but nothing worth having comes easy!With the right hacks at your disposal, I believe you will be able to get on the right track. And luckily for you, you don’t need to have been bitten by a radioactive spider to make it happen.FINAL WORDS“Good employees are t reasures, and the company who possess them is the one who can achieve all of the success in the dynamic business world.”evalImproving employee productivity holds the utmost importance to the company, employees are the driving force of any organization, keeping them motivated and charged up through it is very important.Retaining your employees is a must as they are the fundamental units of the organization who know every work culture, ethics and organization’s motto, so their contribution is a thriving input.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Online comic strip Staggering heights - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Online comic strip Staggering heights - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Im an avid fan of online comics, from Dilbert to Doonesbury. But one of my favourites is a relatively unknown strip called Staggering Heights. It chronicles the lives and trials of a sleazy barfly named Jake, and a highly irregular cast of costars (my favourite is Murray your average 300-pound truck driver turned woman). The humour in the strip has both depth and variety, and the artwork is among the very best Ive seen in any strip online or offline. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Declaration of You The E-Course, The E-book, The Gift Certificates AND the Calendar! Ya- to the -hoo!

The Declaration of You The E-Course, The E-book, The Gift Certificates AND the Calendar! Ya- to the -hoo! Full disclosure: Jess put this post up on her blog last week, and I asked to steal it. I mean, how could I not? She made it so easy! So thanks, Jess, for doing my dirty work and letting me rob ya, with just minimal changes. Youre the bestest! Jess and I have been hard at work over at The Declaration of You headquarters  (which basically means weve been skyping regularly, since we, sadly, live in different cities), and Im so thrilled to tell  you about a few exciting things that we now have available in  our brand new shop! Our very first course, which just finished on November 23rd, was a giant massive success, and were looking forward to  the next course being even BETTER! Really check out  what people are saying. While  registration is OPEN for our upcoming course (beginning February 21, 2011), we realized some of you might want to give a super unique gift this year and register someone besides yourself for The Declaration of You! So we now have  GIFT CERTIFICATES available! They come complete with instructions for you on how to give them as a gift as well as instructions for the lucky recipient on how to register for the course.  Check em out! A gift certificate for The Declaration of You would be SUCH a better gift than a boring old shirt or a new vacuum cleaner, dont you think? You can even tell your friends and families and husbands and kids to put us on your Christmas list! You never know when someone will surprise you. Next up:  The Declaration of You E-BOOK. Its ready! Its ready! Yes, its true. People were asking, so we figured wed better deliver. And if we do say so ourselves, it is lookin GOOD. Its an 81-page, fully-illustrated and color-filled PDF, all designed by Jess herself. And not only is the written words and the illustrations kick-a**, but we have audio video posts that go along with each topic for extra goodness! If you want a preview chapter for $0, then sign yourself up for our updates (its there in the sidebar) you can download it lickety-split. Ooh, we cant wait til you see it! And how could we resist making a  2011 Pierre François Frédéric calendar? Well, we couldnt. If youve fallen in love with Pierre François Frédéric like so many of the ladies who took our course in November have, youll especially love this calendar filled with all of his wacky outfits. Oh, and its  printable! So youll get a 7-page PDF (2 months to a page + a cute cover) that you can print out as many times as you please.  Hint: it might be a cute addition to a gift certificate gift. just saying. We even have a  GET IT ALL package, so you can  start your new year off in a spectacular way. With this package,  youll be registered for the upcoming February course AND youll get the e-book and Pierre  François Frédéric calendar. And youll have $27 in your pocket that you wouldnt have if youd bought them all separately. And as we said at the top,  registration for the February course is open, so if youve been thinking of joining us, now would be a great time! I always think its nice to give ourselves gifts at  this time of year, dont you? The holidays are so often about pleasing other people that we forget to take care of ourselves as well and February will be such a lovely time to participate in The Declaration of You, because the holiday craziness will be over and 2011 will still be fresh with potential. Why not start it off on an inspired foot? As always, let us know if you have any questions just  shoot us an email! Were always here to help.